We watched Mark struggle. We saw when he was using, we saw when he was clean. He needed help. He got it. As long as he was on our insurance. Sorry kid, you're on your own now! Off parents insurance after 26. Mark got his own insurance and he was fine for a while for getting suboxen. He went to inside treatment, outside treatment. At the time of treatment he couldn't work. Lost job. No insurance. No suboxen. It was working. He tried Kratom, herbs, anything to help him not go through withdrawal again. He went through withdrawal twice. Very painful.
June 1st, 2019, Mark was sick. Desperate. Begged for heroin. Without his knowledge, he got fentanyl - died. He did not want this. What saves me is that I know he knew and loved his Lord Jesus Christ. He suffers no more. Me? Yes, I am bitter. Me? Yes I want justice. This doesn't mean I hate. There's no room in my heart for hatred because Jesus is there first. But what was done to my son was nothing but murder. Most just don't understand. The ones who have lost a child from substance abuse disorder do understand. We must stand tall for these indiviuals who have this disorder. The stigma of addiction must be stopped. These individuals need help, not judgement.
Writing about Mark is the only way we can live with this. His smile - his wonderful, giving nature cannot be forgotten. He was a good man!