Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Suffering for God


The saints, true saints, have a different perspective on suffering than us 'mere mortal' Christians. Saint Padre Pio said that only through suffering can our soul say with certainty that we do love God.

Does any one of us truly seek suffering? Suffering comes our way in living our life with all the bad moments. Some suffering continues for years, especially with the loss of a loved one to addiction or disease. 

It could be that saints are given a gift of more tolerance for suffering. When trials come which cause suffering, this may be God's chosen method to prepare us to become more like the saints and martyrs.

Friday, August 5, 2022

A Joyful Reunion!!


From Martha Hickman's _Healing After Loss_ for August 5. This speaks to all of us.

"My wife of 57 years was buried today beside our son, who died in 1941 as a result of a truck accident when he was hitchhiking to take a job. She has longed for him all these years, and now she is with him. I know they are embraced in happiness." Terry Kay
"... none of dies alone - that our loved ones come to greet us, to welcome us to the other side."
"It is a hope I cherish - to rejoin my loved ones."
Amen and Amen!

The Town Herald - Again

 The 'opioid crisis'  has its roots in the 1990's according to some sources. Opioid use has been with us for centuries - the fir...